Ali Hashemisiavashani

Graphic & Website Designer, Photographer

Göteborg, Sweden Previous: Manager of Graphic & advertisment View More Education: College of Arts and Architecture View More

Personal Details

  • Birthday: 1987 March 21
  • Marital: Married
  • Nationality: Iranian

About Me

I am Ali Hashemisiavashani. I was born in 1987 in Tehran, the capital of Iran, since childhood I loved painting and design, and everyone was encouraging me!

During the guidance period, I was responsible for art and holding school exhibitions, and in high school I was manager of advertising and designing the stage for school conferences. As soon as I graduated and went to college, I took a job from the high school, and at the same time I worked at the municipality and another school, all along with college!

More than ten years, I have experienced various art activities and disciplines over the years, and I have done many art projects ordered by companies and individuals.

Now, I am Ali Hashemisiavashani, who is called Ilia! I have got a bachelor of graphic art and for many years I am working in the field of graphic Designing, photography, Website Programming, Designing and Executing. You can see my portfolio and selection of activities from 2014 until 2019 and if you would like to follow me on social networks.

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From Aug 2004 To Present

(More than 15 years)

Self-Employed ILIA Graphic (Personal Brand) Entire World

Graphic Designer, Photographer, Web Designer

Over the past years, in addition to contracts with various organizations, I have worked as a freelance and I have accepted and still accept all the projects related to graphic design, website design, photography from around the world.

From Aug 2015 To March 2022

(More than 7 years)

Parand Tech Group Tehran

Manager of Graphic & Advertisement

Advertising management, website design, graphic design, photography, design of video advertising, interior design and etc

From Sep 2007 To Jan 2008

(1 Years 10 Months)

IOA Shefa Tehran

Website Designer

Website banner design, login information and website support

From Sep 2005 To Jul 2014

(9 Years 9 Months)

Sepehr Schools Tehran

Graphic Design, photographer and advertising manager

Sepehr Marefati Institute is a collection of 11 schools in Tehran and other cities of Iran. More than 2000 students are studying at these schools. Over the course of nearly 10 years collaborating with Sepehr Marefat Institute, activities such as photography, graphic design, advertising design, interior design, design of advertising elements, website design, etc. were carried out in the form of various contracts.

From Mar 2005 To Apr 2006

(1 Years 1 Months)

Municipality Tehran

Graphic Designer

Designing banners, photography and making promotional teasers

From Sep 2004 To Dec 2005

(1 Years 4 Months)

Boniad Roshd Tehran

Manager of advertising

Design of Decor Occasions, Design and Printing of Promotional Banners as well as Spatialization of the Environment of the Schools Affiliated to the Boniad Roshd


Skills & Language

Graphic Design


  • SpanishPersian: Native
  • EnglishEnglish: Intermediate


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